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Plastic Canvas Patterns, Designs & Creations By CottageCreatrix Miriam Handfield
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CottageCreatrix, Miriam Handfield
Plastic Canvas
Patterns, Designs
& Creations
Created by Canadian Artist & CottageCreatrix Miriam Handfield
464560934_10233779026038298_6984131253321022686_n | Burlesque Corset Inspired Gift Box by CottageCreatrix MiriamHandfield 1 | Pink woven roses gift card holder by CottageCreatrix Miriam Handfiled image 2 |
Blue jay magnet plastic canvas pattern main listing photo by CottageCreatrix Miriam Handfi | IMG_E9558 | Red Rose with leaves on shape stitch design by CottageCreatrix |
Snowman and cranberries gift card holder by CottageCreatrix Miriam Handfield 9 | Shawl style gift card holder by CottageCreatrix Miriam Handfield photo 3 - Copy | yellow woven roses needle minding book by CottageCreatrix listing image 1 |
464367894_10233778984997272_3136819858374123629_n | Hibiscus Design Gift Card Holder Pattern by Miriam Handfield CottageCreatrix Photo 5 | tigerlily gift card holder miriam handfield cottage creatrix photo 2 |
Apple blossoms gift card holder pattern by Miriam Handfield CottageCreatrix listing photo | IMG_0731 |
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